How nonagenarian vaccine pioneer Martin Kenyon helped the young Tutu

Dec 21, 2020
By: stagedoorscribbler
Archbishop Desmond Tutu Photographed by Hattie Miles

We were intrigued to discover that Martin Kenyon, the  91-year-old who made headlines when he organised his own coronavirus vaccination, becoming one of the first people in the UK to get the jab, was more than just a resourceful old man
It turned out that the elderly Londoner who briefly became an instant media star for his no nonsense approach to life has a very interesting background in the promotion of  anti-racism.
The old Etonian not only knew Martin Luther King personally but also helped the young Desmond Tutu when he was a student.
Kenyon’s work and friendship with those involved in the circle around Nelson Mandela during the Apartheid era was revealed in a Times comment piece by Trevor Phillips last week
He described Mr Kenyon as having “a razor-sharp mind and a copious grasp of geopolitics.” We then discovered that the gentle nonagenarian had once been asked to look out for overseas students including a very young Desmond Tutu.
He  actively helped them during a  period when they could face prejudice on the streets of Britain.