Looking towards life after the pandemic

Jan 4, 2021
By: stagedoorscribbler
Adam Frost

With an effective vaccine on the way it looks as though we could  soon be making the first steps towards returning to something approaching normal life.
We are not being naive and fully realise there is a way to go yet but at least we can start planning.
Among the many shows we have waiting in the proverbial wings is An Audience with Adam Frost, an evening that will appeal to everyone who has spent a disproportionate period of the last  few months in dreaming up ways of making the very most of their gardens.
Adam is a presenter on Gardeners’ World (BBC 2) and also appears regularly on the BBC’s coverage of RHS Flower Shows. He has  featured on The One Show and DIY SOS  as well as The Alan Titchmarsh Show.
Since 2007, Adam has been awarded seven gold medals at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show. He is a regular contributor to Gardeners’ World and other horticultural magazines.
Adam’s love for the great outdoors started from a young age when he helped on his grandparent’s allotment. His fascination with watching plants and vegetables grown and the wildlife it attracted has stayed with him and he remains passionate about passing this on to future generations.
He is trained in horticulture and landscape design and began his professional career in the mid-1980’s with an apprenticeship at the North Devon Parks Department. He later moved to Rutland where he began working with Geoff Hamilton at Barnsdale Gardens where he helped design and create many of the 38 small gardens which are still on show to the public today. An Audience with Adam Frost is due to appear at the  Lichfield Garrick Theatre on March 14.Whether that will be possible remans to be seen but go to www.lichfieldgarrick.co or check this website for any updates.